Continuity Risk Assessment

Business Continuity Risk Assessment Services in India

“60 percent of companies that lose their data will shut down within 6 months of the disaster.”
National Archives & Records Administration – Washington

“The coronavirus pandemic is a reminder that risk management and business continuity management need to further evolve in order to help businesses prepare for, and survive, extreme events.”

— Joachim Müller, CEO of Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE (AGCS)

Does your organization know the risks of its non -preparedness?

Business Continuity Risk Assessment by Seven Step Consulting Business Continuity Services   will help you identify where your organization is vulnerable and give you practical advice on how you can be prepared for any disruption.

Risk Assessment is the overall process of risk identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation. The main purpose of this analysis is the identification and the assessment of all the threats that could affect the critical elements of the BCMS. The Risk Analysis process includes

  1. Review the criteria existent for risk tolerance and risk appetite.
  2. Identification of the different stakeholders and regulations (or legal implications) that can apply to the organization regarding the continuity of their services and products
  3. Identification of threats, evaluation of the likelihood and impact of these threats, application of countermeasure to avoid, handle or mitigate the risks,
  4. Identify and prioritise potential business risks and disruptions based on severity and likelihood of occurrence. and finally
  5. Actions in order to monitor and review that the controls are in place and the protected assets are safe.

The key deliverable of your BCMS Risk Assessment by Seven Step Consulting Business Continuity Services   is detailed report for your leadership team. It sets out in detail an evaluation and an audit of the following areas

  • Identifying and Evaluating of your company’s risks and exposures
  • Assessment of the potential impact of various business disruption scenarios
  • Determination of the most likely threat scenarios
  • Assessment of telecommunication recovery options and communication plans
  • Prioritize with your company’s Senior Management which risks they will actively address;
  • Prioritization of actions to address them and development of a roadmap of BCMS implementation.


Continuity Risk Assessment

“60 percent of companies that lose their data will shut down within 6 months of the disaster.”
National Archives & Records Administration – Washington

“The coronavirus pandemic is a reminder that risk management and business continuity management need to further evolve in order to help businesses prepare for, and survive, extreme events.”

— Joachim Müller, CEO of Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE (AGCS)

Does your organization know the risks of its non -preparedness?

Business Continuity Risk Assessment by Seven Step Consulting Business Continuity Services   will help you identify where your organization is vulnerable and give you practical advice on how you can be prepared for any disruption.

Risk Assessment is the overall process of risk identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation. The main purpose of this analysis is the identification and the assessment of all the threats that could affect the critical elements of the BCMS. The Risk Analysis process includes

  1. Review the criteria existent for risk tolerance and risk appetite.
  2. Identification of the different stakeholders and regulations (or legal implications) that can apply to the organization regarding the continuity of their services and products
  3. Identification of threats, evaluation of the likelihood and impact of these threats, application of countermeasure to avoid, handle or mitigate the risks,
  4. Identify and prioritise potential business risks and disruptions based on severity and likelihood of occurrence. and finally
  5. Actions in order to monitor and review that the controls are in place and the protected assets are safe.

The key deliverable of your BCMS Risk Assessment by Seven Step Consulting Business Continuity Services   is detailed report for your leadership team. It sets out in detail an evaluation and an audit of the following areas

  • Identifying and Evaluating of your company’s risks and exposures
  • Assessment of the potential impact of various business disruption scenarios
  • Determination of the most likely threat scenarios
  • Assessment of telecommunication recovery options and communication plans
  • Prioritize with your company’s Senior Management which risks they will actively address;
  • Prioritization of actions to address them and development of a roadmap of BCMS implementation.